Lost Hours

School has finished for the day, but do you know what your son or daughter gets up to before they get home? Grooming into gangs, fighting and stabbing is happening in Barking and Dagenham and we all need to play a part in putting a stop to youth violence. So, please take a minute and ask your children where they are and what they’re up to when not at home Have a watch of this film, produced by Barking and Dagenham Council and hear from two local parents who have lost their children to knife attacks We’re supporting the #LostHours campaign launched by Barking and Dagenham Council, which aims to put a stop to youth violence. Data shows there is rise in violence amongst young people between the hours of 3pm to 7pm. So, do you know what your son or daughter gets up to after school, do you know where they go and do you know who they’re hanging around with? We’re asking you to please check in and start asking questions. Find out more www.losthours.org We know it’s hard for parents to know what they’re children are up to 24/7 but youth violence is happening in the borough with a peak when your children leave school and the time you get home from work. The time is now to start asking them what they’re up to when not at home or school, before it’s too late and they get involved something, they will regret. Has YOUR child got new trainers or new clothes? Have YOU asked where they got them from? Grooming into gangs is happening across London, including in our borough. Start asking these questions before they get involved in something they shouldn’t be www.losthours.org Click here for Help & Support #losthours